By Sean Fagan

Ireland's highest mountain - the magnificent Carrauntoohil (centre of background) - what a place (Photo: Sean Fagan).
Brief Homage to Mountains in Winter
I love the barren openness of Ireland's mountains, even during the maelstrom of winter.
My favourite moments occur when I sit a while - watching cloud shadows pass over distant slopes...
or watching a bird soar - a dark speck drifting in the tall sky...
or listening to the rush of a mountain wind or the gentle tones of a mountain stream.
These places may be tree-stripped landscapes barely recognisable from their former, richly-wooded glory - but they are not lonely places.
They still have a great spirit about them.
For myself, there is a sweeping grandeur to them but sometimes they feel bleak and desolate - eerily indifferent to my presence.
Its all part of getting to know them, to understanding the essence of a mountainous landscape.
If you are sitting on the fence as regards exploring mountains in winter, I urge you to get out there and wander. Of course, be safe and well-versed in the hazards of hiking mountains during winter.
But don't let challenging weather put you off.
Exploring mountains in challenging weather is one of those experiences that rarely disappoints.
When it comes to the outdoors - there is often a certain satisfaction to be gained from having to endure a modicum of hardship in order to capture memorable moments in nature.
This is especially true of demanding but beautiful landscapes like mountains, where often, moments of enjoyment occur despite the physical toil and challenging weather associated with mountains.
Such moments often linger long after we leave the mountains - the sun shafting through on a rainy day or sitting out of a heavy rain shower while sharing jokes with friends or a passing raven emitting its guttural call over a quiet mountain.
It's often the simple moments in nature that stay with us, possibly for a lifetime.
. .
. "Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees"
John Muir
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