By Sean Fagan
Some random observations inspired by the magnificent Killarney National Park of southwest Ireland. .
CONNECTION. I always delight in those fleeting moments of connection between myself and wild animals. A strange but familiar mixing of energy - often lasts only a moment, but so much is exchanged (Photo: Sean Fagan - Red Deer, Killarney National Park, Southwest Ireland).

ROCK SOLID. The more time I spend outdoors the more I appreciate rock – whether it’s a purple-hued scree slope - a pallid–grey, limestone plateau - or just a few granite rocks at my feet - they hint at so much history. Of the ancient plodding of time mixed in with violent episodes of immense heat and pressure. It's fascinating, something so seemingly inert contains so much (Photo: Sean Fagan, on the shores of lough Leine, Killarney National Park).

ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD. What is it about the deep silence of nature that soothes so many of us? This expansive, hushed, primordial quiet. Why are so many of us happy when immersed in this silence? (Photo: Sean Fagan - Lough Leine, Southwest Ireland).
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