By Sean Fagan
Common Track Features of the Canidae Family...
The tracks of all members of the Canidae family are oval-shaped (egg-shaped) and have four toes (with four claws) as well as a heel pad. This red fox track in photo above, shows the overall oval shape with the four toes and heel pad. The inner two claws did not register, most likely because this fox was walking lightly on firm clay mud. Foxes typically walk light-footed (Photo: Sean Fagan).

Tracks of a domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) on sand. Note short, thick claws - which is typical of dogs that frequently run on hard surfaces and wear down their claws. Between the dog tracks above there is some splayed sand - one of the indicators that this dog was moving fast i.e. running. Note the very apparent oval shape of front paw track at bottom of photo (Photo: Sean Fagan).

Faint track of a red fox (Vulpes vulpes) on sand. Even thought this track is faint, the overall oval shape of this track is apparent (oval) as is the presence of the heel pad, four toes and sharp claws - all indicators of a canid track.

To the left, the larger fore print of a red fox. To the right, the smaller hind print. The fore prints of all members of the dog family is significantly larger than the hind print - as more body mass is located at the front (due to the extra mass of the head and neck). Larger fore feet are required to distribute this extra mass. Nevertheless both tracks in photo are oval-shaped with discernible presence of heel pad and four toes (with some claws showing), (Photo: Sean Fagan).

Among these wonderful badger tracks on estuarine mud in south Portugal - is a lone domestic dog track - can you see it? Clue: badger tracks are broad, almost rectangular, with very long, curved claws - especially on forefeet (Photo: Sean Fagan).

A lovely clear track of an Eastern coyote (Canis latrans var.). One of the key characteristics of coyote (and wolf) tracks is how the claws of the inner two toes are often strikingly parallel - as can be just about seen in photo above. Nevertheless, the typically canid features such as oval shape of track as well as the presence of four toes, four claws and heel pad is also very apparent in this photo (Photo: Sean Fagan).
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Excellent tracking book - specific to the animals of Europe. Small enough to carry and use as a reference guide while tracking.

Although this book is specific to animal species of North America, there is still a very significant overlap of relevant material for trackers in Europe and elsewhere. Brilliant book (my favourite tracking book).
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