(Photo: Sean Fagan)
- Cody Lundin (make sure to also check out Cody's exceptional survival books)
- Survival Sherpa (Bushcraft, self-sufficiency & primitive skills)
- Jon Ridgeon (Jon is a great craftsman & artist - I highly recommend his bushcraft e-books & books)
- Torjus Gaaren (A true & great bushcrafter of the Northern woods)
- Willow Haven Outdoors (Steward Creek's website is brimming with high quality, original, outdoor information)
- The Woods Roamer (Arturo Longorio's bushcraft articles occasionally wander into the philosophical - and make for great reading)
- Bushcraft UK
- Greenman Bushcraft (Bushcraft & survival gear, tools & equipment - based in UK)
- Robin Harford (High-quality resource for wild food foragers)
- Steve Brill (Steve has a refreshingly humourous & entertaining approach to wild food foraging)
- M. Grieve (0ringally published in 1931, Grieve's writings on the ancient craft of herbalism is both broad and deep in its scope)
- Rogers Mushrooms (Roger Philip's is one of the greats of all things fungal - his website contains some great keys for easily identifying mushrooms)
- Zoe Devlin (Zoe's wonderful, elegant website on the wildflowers of Ireland is a great reference source for those aspiring to improve their plant ID skills)
- Tom Elpel (Tom has effectively demystified the often confusing subject of plant families - a must-have for all serious wild plant foragers & botanists)
- Tristan Gooley (Tristan's specialty is natural navigation - simply great)
- Earth Sky (Excellent astronomy website - check out monthly review of positions of the visible planets & current moon info to improve your natural navigation skills)
- Time and Date (outstanding website for all thing solar, lunar, sunset and sunrise times and bearing - you name it - this website is a boon for natural navigators)
- Alastair Humphreys (If Alastair Humphreys can't inspire you to take small or large adventures into wild places - then nobody can : )
- Chris Townsend (Long-distance hiker with a huge wealth of experience - his reviews of all things related to hiking & camping are great)
- John Manning
- Ron Strickland
- Backpacking North
- George Monbiot (A brilliant environmental journalist with a great writing style)
- Dark Mountain Project (Environmental group)
- John Muir Trust (Scottish environmental group)
- BirdWatch Ireland
- Irish Wildlife Trust
- Irish Whale & Dolphin Group
- Biodiversity Ireland
- Dublin Field Naturalists' Club
- Outdoor Photographer
- Gary Hart Outdoor Photography (Gary's website is both educational and visually stunning, all capped off with Gary's great writing style)
- Konsta Punkka (Outstanding wildlife photographer)
- Outdoors Magic
- World Outdoor Web
- The Great Outdoors
- Cicerone (Outdoor Pursuits Publishers)
- The Wilderness Society
- Irish Meteorological Service
- Mountain Weather Information Centre (for the mountains of UK)
- Society of Authors
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