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Tag: Camp craft

Camp Craft: Smokey Fires

By Sean Fagan
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Taking a short, shade-break. South Portugal (Photo: Sean Fagan).


With bushcraft & survival that the ability to create a large, smokey fire can be important for emergency signalling when marooned in a wild, remote place.

Another essential application of smokey fires is for deterring biting flies, such as mosquitoes.

Where biting flies commonly occur - they can be a serious irritant when unchecked - so much so, that they can seriously mar any outdoor excursion into nature.

The standard approach to deterring biting flies is usually a combination of wearing protective clothes and applying insect repellent on exposed skin - but it's always a good idea to have a number of solutions to one problem, such as biting flies, because anybody can lose/forget their insect repellent and even protective clothing is often not enough to deter more aggressive biting flies (such as horseflies).

Find out how to make a smokey fire and what natural materials you can use to create a smokey fire...


Campsite Safety: Trip Hazards

By Sean Fagan..
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The pale colour of debarked, wooden pegs makes them more visibly conspicuous - especially at night (Photo: Sean Fagan).


De-Barking Wooden Pegs for Greater Visibility & Safety


When it comes to outdoor safety, it's often the little things that can catch people out.

Over the years I've witnessed quite a few individuals trip over tent pegs and guy lines (especially at night).

When a person is tired or distracted, it can be surprisingly easy to trip over a wooden or metal peg.

It's not a pleasant experience.

When I’m teaching outdoor courses or casually camping with friends in a woodland, I’m often asked why I de-bark the upper section of my wooden pegs.

The answer is simple – to make them more visible.

Learn more about trip hazards and my general thoughts on camp-site safety.


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