By Sean Fagan

Don't forget to schedule in some rest time when outdoors (Photo: Sean Fagan).
The Value of Stillness in the Outdoors
"I listened to the trees breathing in stillness" ~ Robert Frost
Now that the longer daylight hours and kinder temperatures of summer are upon us - it's great to be outdoors indulging ourselves with bushcraft or whatever outdoor activity that takes our fancy.
Over the years I've noticed a tendency of many outdoorsy types to fill their days with activities and tasks (often from dawn to dusk!).
Being so actively engaged with the great outdoors is obviously a good thing.
But so is the ability to relax and tap into nature's rhythms.
After all, nature can be a great source of serenity and inspiration (even healing).
All we often need to do when we want to relax is just just kick back and watch (and feel) what's around us.
This deceptively simple practice can improve our more passive bushcraft skills, such as sensory awareness and tracking skills.
Resting during the day also improves our recuperation (as most active, outdoorsy people will know - the great outdoors can be quite strenuous and tiring).
Without exaggerating, some of my favourite outdoor experiences have been moments of mindful stillness.
Cocooned in a swaying hammock or sitting before a campfire at dusk...or perched upon a large, sunlit boulder protruding above the waters of a river after a swim.
Such moments of profound stillness, both within and without, are some of my most revered memories of nature.
I composed this post to highlight some of the benefits of approaching nature in a more relaxed and attuned way.
It was certainly not conceived with the intention of decrying the more active aspects of outdoor life, many of which I greatly enjoy myself.
However, amidst the hustle of our outdoor ambitions, it's always nice to pause a allow the deep, ancient stillness of nature to seep into our beings and become a welcome, regular and reassuring part of who we are.

"In stillness, peace is restored" ~ proverb (Photo: Sean Fagan).
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