By Sean Fagan ..

A large, over-wintering sea radish, Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. maritimus. Sea radish roots are an exceptional source of starch during winter (Photo: Sean Fagan).
Why Plant Identification Skills during Winter
is an Important Bushcraft Skill...
Remember summer? When every time you took a leisurely stroll through your favourite patch of greenery there was fecund displays of life all around you?
Flowers were everywhere, flaunting their brash colours for all to see while trees rustled and shimmered with a full canopy of leaves.
Then winter arrived, and the landscape seemed stripped of all life - devoid of flowers and foliage.
Except it wasn't bare - just curtailed.
Our prehistoric ancestors were very adept at identifying plants during the winter months – they had to be, and it behoves us, as aspiring bushcrafters, to emulate their winter plant-identification skills.
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